05 December 2011

Blueprints and Borrowed Letters

You are to comment on the blog based on the following reading ...
  • "Blueprints and Borrowed Letters" (p. 215)
    • What role does the evolution of writing play in the development of societies?
Note: You are to submit by Monday, 12 December 2011.
Carlos De León
Social Studies Department Chair
Luther Burbank High School

14 November 2011

The Rise and Spread of Food Production



Starting on 14 November 2011, there will be an online discussion on section two ("The Rise and Spread of Food Production") that will end on 28 November 2011. Your comments will be posted on a daily basis and are allowed to make only one comment a day! Each ACCEPTED comment must come from a different chapter within section two of Guns, Germs, and Steel, and will be worth 20 points.  You are highly encouraged to discuss and argue opinions so long as they are backed by textual reference.

Note: Complete by Monday, 28 November 2011.
Carlos De León
Social Studies Department Chair
Luther Burbank High School

Reading for AP World History (Week 13)

Complete the following reading for homework ...

... from Guns, Germs, and Steel chapter 11:
  • Lethal Gift of Livestock (pp. 195-214)
Note: You are to take  Cornell notes on this reading. Submit on Monday, 28 November 2011.
Carlos De León
Social Studies Department Chair
Luther Burbank High School

08 November 2011



AP World History students, by 11 November 2011, chapters 4 - 11 of Guns, Germs, and Steel should be completely read. Starting on 14 November 2011, there will be an online discussion on section two ("The Rise and Spread of Food Production") that will end on 28 November 2011. Your comments will be posted on a daily basis and are allowed to make only one comment a day! Each ACCEPTED comment must come from a different chapter within section two of Guns, Germs, and Steel, and will be worth 20 points.
Carlos De León
Social Studies Department Chair
Luther Burbank High School

Reading for AP World History (Week 12)

Complete the following reading for homework ...

... from The Earth and Its People chapter 15:
  • "New Islamic Empires" (p. 375)
  • "Social and Cultural Change" (p. 387)
Note: You are to take Cornell notes on these readings. Submit on Monday, 14 November 2011.
Carlos De León
Social Studies Department Chair
Luther Burbank High School

26 October 2011

Guns, Germs, and Steel: How to Make an Almond

You are to comment on the blog based on the following reading ...
  • "How to Make and Almond" (p. 114)
    • Explain the unconscious development of ancient crops.
Note: You are to submit by Monday, 31 October 2011.
Carlos De León
Social Studies Department Chair
Luther Burbank High School

Reading for AP World History (Week 10)

Complete the following readings for homework ...

... from The Earth and Its People chapter 10:
  • "Early Medieval Europe" (p. 250)
  • "The Western Church" (p. 258)
... from Guns, Germs, and Steel chapters 7 & 8:
  • "How to Make and Almond" (p. 114)
  • Apples or Indians" (p. 131)
Note: You are to take Cornell notes on these readings. Submit by Monday, 31 October 2011.
Carlos De León
Social Studies Department Chair
Luther Burbank High School

04 October 2011

Guns, Germs, and Steel: To Farm or Not to Farm

Complete the following reading for homework ...

... from Guns, Germs, and Steel chapter 6:
  • "To Farm or Not to Farm" (p. 104) ... What were the causes of the spread of food production?
Note: You are to comment on the blog and take Cornell notes on this reading.  Submit on Monday, 10 October 2011.
Carlos De León
Social Studies Department Chair
Luther Burbank High School

Reading for AP World History (Week 7)

Complete the following readings for homework ...

... from the Earth and Its People chapter 7:
  • "The Vedic Age, 1500-500 b.c.e." (p. 174)
  • "The Rise of Hinduism" (p. 181)
  • "The Mauryan Empire, 324-184 b.c.e." (p. 184)
  • "The Gupta Empire, 320-550 c.e." (p. 186)
Note: You are to comment on the blog and take Cornell notes on these readings. Submit on Monday, 10 October 2011.
Carlos De León
Social Studies Department Chair
Luther Burbank High School

27 September 2011

China and Rome Compared

Use the available primary sources and the readings to comment on China and Rome Compared (WH, Ch. 4).

Note: Submit on Monday, 3 October 2011.
Carlos De León
Social Studies Department Chair
Luther Burbank High School

From Eden to Cajamarca

Use the available primary sources and the readings to comment on From Eden to Cajamarca (GGS, Ch. 1-3).

Note: Submit on Monday, 3 October 2011.
Carlos De León
Social Studies Department Chair
Luther Burbank High School

25 September 2011

Reading for AP World History (Week 6)

Complete the following readings for homework ...

... from The Earth and Its People chapter 6:
  • A Republic of Farmers (p. 148)
  • An Urban Empire (p. 152)
  • The First Chinese Empire (p. 163)
  • The Long Reign of the Han (p. 164)
Note: You are to comment on the blog and take Cornell notes on these readings. Submit on Monday, 3 October 2011.
Carlos De León
Social Studies Department Chair
Luther Burbank High School

Welcome to AP World History

Students: This blog will be available in order to assist you in successfully completing the AP World History course. Here you will find pertinent information concerning assignments, due dates, readings, projects, etc. It is suggested that you check here often and leave comments that might help you and your fellow classmates. In addition, you will find useful links related to the topics covered in class and labels that will facilitate searching information from previous posts.

Critical ... There will be weekly discussion that will require your participation. The topics will be announced in class and you are expected to provide a well thought-out argument or viewpoint. This will be considered a daily assignment grade.

Parents: This blog is a useful resource for both you and your child. Please take the time to review its contents periodically, doing so will assist your child in completing a rigorous college-level course. As mentioned above, pertinent information concerning the requirement of this course will be posted and updated regularly. Of particular interest to you will be the discussions the students have on some of history's past, present, and future issues.

I look forward to having and excellent year!
Carlos De León
Social Studies Department Chair
Luther Burbank High School